Great Lakes Gazette - May '23

May 8, 2023
Great Lakes Gazette - May '23

Happy Spring! It's... kinda here!? Just a few things as we tip toe into Tulip season!


Happy Birthday to our May Babies!


Our challenge this month is to get a little better at something just about everyone needs! For this one, Coach Amber's digging down deep into her movement hat to give you guys a mobility routine to complete every day.

To follow along, these will be posted within Train, there's a new track within there for you to follow and complete as you go.

You can also go right to her instagram where she posts it every day!

Committed Club

We had an awesome group this past month of folks who were hella committed!

Nice work guys!

Member Highlights

We held Festivus last week, and it was a ton of fun! Thanks again to all of the volunteers that came out for it, I've gotten so many folks messaging me to compliment y'all! Congrats to these folks who competed:

In another highlight, congrats to Tyson who not only took first at our event but SECOND IN THE WORLD!

What you may have missed

Should I Worry About Calories? - Takes a look at what people should pay attention to when they're starting to give some brainspace to nutrition!

The Basic Nutritional Guidelines - Lays down some ground rules for nutrition!

Upcoming Competitions

Country Roads CrossFit Championship
Saturday, June 24th
Eaton Rapids, MI

NoMi Fitness Festival
Saturday, September 16th
Petoskey, MI

If you know of any more that you want me to throw out there, please let me know!

Coach's Thoughts

Your priorities are reflected in how you choose to spend your time.

Conducting a time audit can be an invaluable exercise for anyone seeking to optimize their daily routine. Do you often find yourself wondering where your time has gone, or feeling unproductive at the end of the day?

You work hard to earn a living, possibly for yourself and your family. You hit the gym to maintain your health and promote a long, active life. But what about the other aspects of your life? Are you losing precious hours to excessive TV watching, negative self-talk, or constant phone use?

It can be eye-opening to review your phone's screen time statistics. Regardless of whether you use your phone for work or leisure, you can delve deeper into the specific apps and activities that consume most of your time. Consider the benefits of reallocating just 10-20% of that screen time to more productive tasks, such as meal prepping or personal development. How much closer would you be to achieving your goals? How much simpler could your life become?

Action Item

Go ahead and check your screen time on your phone. I've even got some help articles for ya:

Apple | Android

Now take that total number and try to drop it by 10%.

That wraps up this month's newsletter! As always, if there's anything you'd like to chat about, or if you want me to write/talk/video about, just reply and let me know! If you think a friend would like this, please forward it along to them as well.


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