Accelerate Through 2024

End 2024 strong! Learn how imagination, intention, and persistence can help you achieve your goals before the new year begins.
Cal Bauer
September 4, 2024
Accelerate Through 2024

Can you believe summer is already behind us? As we step into the last stretch of 2024, it's the perfect time to harness imagination and intention to make this year end on a high note. It's always a bummer that this time of year a lot of people start to drift from their goals, thinking, "I'll just wait until January; the fallis just too crazy." But let me tell you—hogwash!

Why wait for the new year when you can step into your ideal self and start achieving your goals now? Imagine what it would feel like to cross that finish line with your goals completed before January 1st. Sounds pretty good, right?

Taking a page from Neville Goddard's playbook, our thoughts and beliefs shape our reality. So, what do you want to create in these final months?

See Yourself as You Wish to Be

First, pick a specific goal you'd love to smash by the end of the year. Close your eyes and picture yourself already there—living that reality. How does it feel? What’s around you? Engage all your senses in this vision. If you want to feel more energized and strong, imagine yourself at GLFC, finishing a workout with confidence, your muscles strong, and your mind clear. Keep that image in your head and visit it daily, especially right before you fall asleep. Remember, what you hold true in your imagination will eventually become your reality.

Align Your Emotions with Your Vision

Neville Goddard taught that feeling is the key to making your vision a reality. It’s not just about seeing your desired outcome; you’ve got to feel it too. Carry that feeling of accomplishment and joy with you as you go about your day. Imagine finishing 2024 stronger, healthier, and more empowered than ever.

Stay Committed to Your Desired Outcome

Persistence is everything. When doubts creep in or obstacles pop up, return to your vision and the feeling of your wish fulfilled. Make this a daily practice, even if it’s just for a few minutes in the morning or before bed. Remember, your current situation doesn’t dictate your future—your assumptions and beliefs do. In fact, it works the other way around! Research has shown again and again that having a positive outlook on the future will improve your perceived happiness in the moment.

So, let’s end 2024 on a high note. No more waiting around; let’s make it happen now!

As always, stay safe, happy, and healthy.


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